It’s easy to get up and running with your own affiliate program, and user loyalty program in just a few minutes using GrowthPanels.

  1. Start by connecting with your company Stripe account (This allows us to keep of referrals, and pay out reward credits to accounts when users complete tasks you set).
  2. Next, to enable automatic affiliate payouts, connect to your company's Paypal account. This will save you hours every month instead of manually paying out individuals.
  3. Now you’ve got both Stripe and Paypal connected, let’s choose some affiliate options.

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Once you’ve picked the currency you wish you use for your account, choose your commission sale percentage and how frequently you’d like to pay out affiliates. GrowthPanels offers the following options:

  1. Pay forever - this option pays affiliates the commission percentage every month automatically.
  2. Pay for 1 year - this option pays affiliates the commission percentage for 12 months, then automatically stops.
  3. Pay once - This option pays affiliates the commission percentage just once, then automatically stops.

The next step is to customize your GrowthPanel, choose some tasks and rewards, and then embed it on your site. Click here.